Reckless Driving Charge Dismissed in the Providence County District Court on November 2nd, 2022
November 2022
Another day in court means another successfully defended criminal traffic violation. The Rhode Island State Police were called to the scene of an accident regarding multiple cars alleged to have been drag racing. After pulling numerous traffic cameras and speaking to witnesses, the police arrested our client on charges of reckless driving and a host of civil traffic violations.
After reviewing all of the evidence it became clear that the state would have a very difficult time establishing who was actually responsible for the crash and as such would likely not be able to prove their case. After much discussion the state agreed to dismiss all of the charges and tickets outright upon a nominal charitable donation made by our client. Our client was able to avoid a loss of license and he was also able to keep his criminal record and driving record clean.
RESULT: RECKLESS DRIVING CHARGES DISMISSED in the Providence County District Court on November 2nd, 2022
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense
Court: Providence District Court