When you are charged with a felony offense in Providence County, you may be given a notice to appear in the Providence Superior Court for a pre-arraignment conference. A pre-arraignment conference is a proceeding before the Providence Superior Court that is handled in Courtroom 5G in the Garrahy Judicial Complex located at 1 Dorrance Plaza, Providence, RI 02903. Courtroom 5G is located on the 5th floor of the Garrahy Judicial Complex. The Garrahy Judicial Complex is located directly across the street from our Providence Office.
Your pre-arraignment conference is typically scheduled a few months after your arrest on a felony criminal offense. At your pre-arraignment conference, your lawyer will have an opportunity to discuss the charges pending against you with the Superior Court Judge and the Prosecutor from the Department of Attorney General. In many cases, this is a great opportunity to favorably resolve your case by getting the charges dropped or reduced.
For that reason, it is vital that you appear at your pre-arraignment conference with an experienced Rhode Island criminal defense lawyer. Your lawyer will be able to fully prepare you for the pre-arraignment conference and ensure that you are presented in the light most favorable to you, which can help to assist a smooth and swift favorable resolution to your charges. An experienced criminal defense lawyer will be able to explain to you exactly who the Judge and Prosecutors are who will likely be handling your case at the pre-arraignment conference.
If a favorable resolution to your case can be reached at the pre-arraignment conference, you may end up entering a nolo contendre plea or the charges may be dismissed outright. On the other hand, if the offer from the Department of Attorney General to resolve your case is not acceptable to you the Court will proceed with an arraignment. An arraignment is simply the formal entry of a not guilty plea and the scheduling of the case in the Providence Superior Court on Benefit Street for a pre-trial conference.
If you have been charged with a felony criminal offense in Rhode Island and you have a Court date scheduled for a pre-arraignment conference, Contact Attorney Matthew Marin for experienced legal advice and representation at your upcoming Court hearing. We are available 24/7 at 401-228-8271 and we can schedule a no obligation defense strategy session at your convenience.
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