Second Offense Domestic Violence Charge Reduced to Non-Domestic Simple Assault Filing on 7/21/2020
July 2020
Marin and Barrett, Inc. is extremely pleased to report that a second offense domestic assault and battery charge pending against a Client in the Kent County District Court has been have been reduced to a non-domestic simple assault and battery. Our Client had been charged with domestic assault and battery on his adult step-daughter after having been previously convicted of a domestic assault and batter over 20 years prior. Based on the nature of the charge (2nd offense domestic assault and battery), if convicted he faced a minimum mandatory sentence of 10 days in jail (ACI).
We were able to fight the case and argue our Client's contention that his step-daughter was the primary aggressor and had instigated the altercation. Based on our arguments, we were able to successfully negotiate a resolution of the case that involved a reduction of the charge from second offense domestic assault and battery to a non-domestic simple assault and batter. The Client was sentenced to a one year filing (stay out of trouble, no arrests and automatic expungement after one year), a no contact order with his step-daughter, completion of a substance abuse program and court costs. If you or a loved one is facing domestic violence charges in Rhode Island, give Attorney Matthew Marin at Marin and Barrett, Inc. a call for immediate and experienced legal advice and representation.
RESULT: SECOND OFFENSE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHARGE REDUCED TO NON-DOMESTIC SIMPLE ASSAULT AND BATTERY resulting in one year filing with a no contact order, completion of a substance abuse program, and court costs on July 21st, 2020
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense
Court: Kent County District Court