Domestic Disorderly Conduct Charges Dismissed on 2/17/20
February 2020
Marin and Barrett, Inc. is extremely pleased to report that charges of domestic disorderly conduct and domestic vandalism brought against our Client in the Kent County District Court have been dismissed. The Police had been dispatched to our Client's home due to an altercation between our Client's girlfriend and the Client's mother. A verbal dispute inside the home had spilled out onto the lawn. During the argument, a hole had been punched in the wall and a door had been ripped off its hinges. After interviewing the parties on scene, the Police investigating the incident arrested and charged our Client with domestic disorderly conduct and domestic vandalism. As part of the arrest, a mandatory criminal no contact order was issued immediately as part of the case.
When we began working on the case, we were able to succeed in seeing the criminal no contact order lifted by the District Court Judge at the Client's initial appearance in Court which is highly unusual. After negotiations with the Prosecutor and our Client's girlfriend, we were able to secure a dismissal of the criminal domestic violence charges in the Kent County District Court. If you or a loved one is facing domestic violence or domestic vandalism charges in Rhode Island, give the experienced domestic violence defense attorneys at Marin and Barrett, Inc. a call for immediate and experienced legal advice and criminal defense representation.
RESULT: ALL CHARGES DISMISSED on February 17th, 2020
Practice area(s): Domestic Violence
Court: Kent County District Court