An off-campus URI party over the weekend descended into chaos when one thousand students started partying in Narragansett. The party quickly escalated into what law enforcement has described as a 'riot' that included throwing beer bottles, smashing mail boxes, and climbing onto rooftops. The party on Saturday lead to the arrest of 18 URI students.
In my experience these students will face harsh punishment in both the criminal courts as well as their school disciplinary hearings. They are likely facing charges including misdemeanor assault and battery, drunk driving (DUI), disorderly conduct, possession of alcohol by a minor, and local town ordinance violations. In the cases in which I have represented University students, early intervention is key. The student, now defendant, needs to make sure that the school knows he is taking the situation seriously and working diligently to get himself back in good standing with the local community and the school.
Oftentimes, my goal in coordinating with the school's disciplinary officials is to get them to withhold judgement and school disciplinary sanctions until after the criminal court process has been completed. With the school disciplinary hearings delayed, I can then work to negotiate a resolution of the criminal charges favorable to the student which he can then use to mitigate any disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed by the school.
Unique Challenges Posed in Representing College Students
There are several unique challenges that are present in defending college students accused of criminal offenses. These include the fact that the client's are typically very young and oftentimes far removed from their parents which makes effective communication with all important parties difficult. At the Law Offices of Matthew T. Marin, Esquire, Inc., we have developed strategies to ensure that we can effectively communicate with both the young client and his parents, even if they cannot be present.
College students also typically have school and work schedules which make meeting one-on-one difficult and occasionally the college student client may not have transportation. We are always willing to work around difficult school and work schedules to accommodate our clients and can meet them locally outside of our offices if need be.
College Students Need to Take Any Alleged Criminal Offense Extremely Seriously
This may seem so commonsense that it does not need to be pointed out, but any alleged criminal offense can lead to a criminal conviction that can have a seriously negative impact on your school, your potential career, and your life. You need to take every allegation of a criminal offense extremely seriously and make every effort to defend yourself and keep your criminal record clean.
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